Photo of Fred Sager

With a focus on client compliance, Fred uses his two years of experience as a data privacy professional to assist our clients and attorneys with keeping up with the ever-changing, fast-paced data privacy landscape.

He does so by drafting a myriad of data privacy compliance documentation, including privacy policies, cookie policies, data processing agreements, data protection impact assessments, website checklists, and more. Fred also monitors, researches, and analyzes federal and state privacy legislation, judicial decisions, and regulatory proposals.

Fred is passionate about collaborating with our dedicated data privacy team to develop robust policies that prioritize privacy, mitigate risk, and ensure compliance with the constant-evolving consumer privacy laws.

Welcome to the second edition of Byte Back AI, a weekly newsletter providing updates on proposed state AI bills and regulations, an AI bill tracker chart, summaries of important AI hearings, and special features. Starting January 6, 2025, Byte Back AI will be available only to paid subscribers. For more information on subscriptions, please click here.

As always, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. 

Welcome to the first edition of Byte Back AI, a weekly newsletter providing updates on proposed state AI bills and regulations, an AI bill tracker chart, summaries of important AI hearings, and special features. The first two editions of Byte Back AI will be released for free on Byte Back. Starting January 6, 2025, Byte Back AI will be available only to paid subscribers. For more information on subscriptions, please click here.

Read the second complimentary edition here.

As always, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. 

Keypoint: Of the ten privacy- and AI-related bills passed by the California legislature in the 2024 legislative session, Governor Newsom signed seven into law and vetoed three by the September 30 deadline.

Throughout the 2024 legislative session, we have been tracking numerous privacy- and AI-related bills pending in California. Ten of those bills passed the state legislature before the legislative session ended on August 31 (nine of which passed in the final week of August). Governor Newsom had a deadline of September 30 to sign or veto the bills that passed. Of the ten total bills, he signed seven into law and vetoed three bills. Those seven bills scheduled to go into effect consist of four laws related to privacy and three laws related to AI.

The below article provides a summary of the ten bills that Governor Newsom either signed into law or vetoed.

Keypoint: The California legislature closed its 2024 session by passing five privacy-related bills and four AI-related bills.

On Saturday, August 31, the California legislature closed its 2024 session. During the past calendar year, we tracked numerous privacy and AI-related bills with fourteen of them passing out of their chamber of origin prior to the legislative deadline. For the past month, we have been tracking thirteen of those bills with weekly updates (the fourteenth bill already having passed through the legislature). Of the six privacy-related bills we have been tracking, five ultimately passed the legislature during the final week of the session. Four of the seven AI-related bills also passed. 

The below article first provides a summary of the bills that passed during the final week of the session. The article then provides an overview of all fourteen bills.

Keypoint: The California legislature enters into the final week of its session with many bills still under consideration.

We are currently tracking thirteen privacy and AI-related bills that previously crossed chambers prior to the legislative deadline. With the California legislature closing on August 31, we will be providing weekly updates on the progress of these bills.

Keypoint: Last week, several privacy and AI bills passed out of committee (with some receiving amendments) while two bills died in committee.

We are currently tracking thirteen privacy and AI-related bills that previously crossed chambers prior to the legislative deadline. With the California legislature closing on August 31, we will be providing weekly updates on the progress of these bills.

Keypoint: Last week, the California legislature returned from its summer recess and began moving forward with privacy and AI legislation prior to the August 31 session closing date.

We are currently tracking thirteen privacy and AI-related bills that previously crossed chambers prior to the legislative deadline. With the California legislature closing on August 31, we will be providing weekly updates on the progress of these bills.

Keypoint: Colorado policymakers outlined their privacy and AI priorities at a recent Husch Blackwell event.

In early March, Husch Blackwell hosted a discussion panel covering the 2024 legislative priorities of Colorado policymakers related to privacy and artificial intelligence. Attendees heard from Director of Legislative Affairs and Colorado Assistant Attorney General Jefferey Riester, as well as Colorado State Senate Majority Leader Robert Rodriguez. Discussions centered around their legislative priorities related to privacy and artificial intelligence, including the Colorado Privacy Act, SB 41 (children’s privacy), HB 1058 (biological data), and other impending bills on artificial intelligence.

The below article provides a summary of their remarks.

Keypoint: To advance the National Cybersecurity Strategy, the Office of the National Cyber Director is soliciting public comments to harmonize cybersecurity regulations, with comments due by October 31, 2023.

In March 2023, the White House released its National Cybersecurity Strategy (NCS), which envisions two changes in how the United States allocates roles, responsibilities, and resources in cyberspace:

  • Rebalancing the responsibility to defend cyberspace; and
  • Realigning incentives towards long-term investments to reward security and resilience.

This rebalance and realignment explicitly acknowledges that collaboration between private and public sector stakeholders will be necessary.