Keypoint: Last week the Kentucky House passed a consumer data privacy bill, the Colorado House passed a biometric privacy bill, and Virginia moved closer to amending the VCDPA to add children’s privacy provisions.
Below is the fifth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2024.
Table of Contents
- What’s New
- Bill Tracker Charts
- Bill Tracker Maps
1. What’s New?
Two bills moved across chambers last week.
In Kentucky, an amended version of HB 15 unanimously passed the House (92-0) on February 20. The Virginia-style bill is now with the Senate Economic Development, Tourism, & Labor Committee. Senator Westerfield’s competing bill – SB 15 – is also with that committee.
Meanwhile, Colorado’s HB 1130 passed the House on February 20 by a 56-3 vote with 6 excused. The bill would amend the Colorado Privacy Act to provide additional provisions for the processing of biometric data. The bill is now with the Senate Judiciary Committee.
In other consumer data privacy bill developments, an amended version of Minnesota Representative Steve Elkins’ HF 2309 passed out of the House Commerce Finance and Policy Committee and was re-referred to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.
In Georgia, a Senate committee favorably reported SB 473. The bill was then read for a second time on the Senate floor.
Finally, multiple children’s privacy bills advanced last week. In Virginia, Delegate Maldonado’s HB 707 unanimously passed out of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee and was re-referred to the General Laws and Technology Committee. It previously passed the House in early February. The bill would add children’s privacy provisions to the VCDPA. Meanwhile, a House committee voted to continue SB 359 to 2025. The bill passed the Senate on February 12.
In Minnesota, an amended version of Representative Bahner’s HF 2257 – an Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (AADC) bill – passed out of the House Commerce Finance and Policy Committee and was re-referred to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. In Arizona, HB 2858 passed out of the House Appropriations and Rules committees. In Vermont, a committee hearing was held on its AADC bill – S.289 – on February 23.
2. Bill Tracker Charts
For more information on all of the bills introduced to date, including links to the bills, bill status, last action, hearing dates, and bill sponsor information, please see the following charts:
- Consumer Data Privacy Bills
- Biometric Privacy Bills
- Children’s Privacy Bills
- Consumer Health Data Privacy Bills
- Data Broker Bills
These charts are updated on a weekly basis. Husch privacy clients can email fred.sager@huschblackwell.com to obtain unredacted copies of the charts.
3. Bill Tracker Maps
To access our tracker maps, click the following links: