Keypoint: The proposed draft amendments modify the Colorado Privacy Act Rules to create a process for issuing opinion letters and interpretative guidance and to address the biometric and children’s privacy amendments passed by the Colorado legislature this year.
On September 13, 2024, the Colorado Attorney General’s office published proposed draft amendments to the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) Rules. The office also announced a rulemaking hearing on Thursday, November 7, 2024, and will accept written public comments until that date.
The draft proposed amendments create a process for issuing opinion letters and interpretive guidance. They also modify the existing language in the CPA Rules to address two bills passed by the Colorado legislature this year – SB 41 (kid’s privacy) and HB 1130 (biometric privacy). You can read more about the SB 41 and SB 1130 here and here.
In the below post, we provide a short summary of some of the more notable parts of the proposed amendments.
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