Key Point:  If you consider your cybersecurity defensive measures to be a one-time investment, that is what the criminals are banking on.

Most people enjoy improvements and innovations when it comes to consumer electronics, but the unfortunate truth is that cybercriminals are innovating and improving their techniques and tactics as well. These innovations include “getting a second bite from the ransomware apple” and using ransomware to cause “physical vulnerabilities at your business.” Hopefully the anecdotes below help to convince the decision-makers in your business to follow the Coast Guard’s motto Semper Paratus – Always Prepared.Continue Reading Looking for a New Year’s Cyber Resolution? Perpetual Vigilance.

Blockchain technology is seeing increasingly wide use internationally, but security issues are becoming a major problem.

Blockchain is a public electronic ledger that can be openly shared among users and that creates an unchangeable record of their transactions. Each transaction, or “block”, is time-stamped and linked to the previous one. Each block is then linked to a specific participant. Blockchain can only be updated by consensus between users in the system, and when new data is entered, it can never be erased, edited, adjusted, or changed.Continue Reading What the Cryptocurrency Hacks Mean for the Security of Blockchain

New York proposed first-of-its-kind cybersecurity regulations on Sept. 13, 2016. The proposed rules would apply only to banks, insurers, and other financial services companies regulated by the New York Department of Financial Services (“DFS”). However, the sweeping nature of the regulations and New York’s role as a banking center are likely to make the rules a model for other states.
Continue Reading New York proposes first cybersecurity rules