Keypoint: The Minnesota bill contains several unique requirements and provisions, including a novel right to question the result of a profiling decision, privacy policy provisions that increase interoperability with existing state laws, and new privacy program requirements such as a requirement for controllers to maintain a data inventory.

On May 19, the Minnesota legislature passed the Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act (HF 4757 / SF 4782). The bill, which is sponsored by Representative Steve Elkins, was passed as Article 5 of a larger omnibus bill. The bill next moves to Governor Tim Walz for consideration.

The Minnesota bill largely tracks the Washington Privacy Act model but with some significant and unique variations. For example, the bill creates a novel right to question the result of a profiling decision and have a controller provide additional information regarding that decision. It also contains privacy policy requirements that are intended to increase interoperability with other state consumer data privacy laws. Further, the bill contains provisions requiring controllers to maintain a data inventory and document and maintain a description of policies and procedures the controller has adopted to comply with the bill’s provisions. We discuss those requirements and provisions, along with others, in the below article.

As with prior bills, we have added the Minnesota bill to our chart providing a detailed comparison of laws enacted to date.

In the second podcast of our Legislating Data Privacy series, we talk with Minnesota Representative Steve Elkins.

Representative Elkins is the co-author of HF 1492, the Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act.

In this wide-ranging interview, Representative Elkins discusses what happened with HF 1492 during the 2021 legislative session, his plan for reintroducing the bill

Keypoint: This week the Connecticut Senate Appropriations Committee and New York Consumer Protection Committee passed their bills, and the Nevada Assembly passed its bill, which would broaden Nevada’s pre-existing right to opt out of sales.

Below is our thirteenth weekly update on the status of proposed CCPA-like privacy legislation. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we have been regularly updating our 2021 State Privacy Law Tracker to keep pace with the latest developments. We encourage you to bookmark the page for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated.

Keypoint: This week the Colorado Privacy Act passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Alaska’s House Labor and Commerce Committee held another hearing on its bill, Connecticut’s bill was sent to the Senate Appropriations Committee, Nevada’s Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor passed its bill, and the New York Privacy Act was reintroduced.

Below is our twelfth weekly update on the status of proposed CCPA-like privacy legislation. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we have been regularly updating our 2021 State Privacy Law Tracker to keep pace with the latest developments. We encourage you to bookmark the page for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated.

Keypoint: This week an amended version of the Colorado Privacy Act unanimously passed out of committee, Alaska’s House held another hearing on its bill (and scheduled another hearing for May 12), Connecticut’s bill was tabled for the Senate calendar, and Nevada’s Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor scheduled a May 10 hearing on its bill.

Below is our eleventh weekly update on the status of proposed CCPA-like privacy legislation. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we have been regularly updating our 2021 State Privacy Law Tracker to keep pace with the latest developments. We encourage you to bookmark the page for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated.

Keypoint: This week Florida came close to passing a bill before it died on the final day of the legislative session; committees in Colorado and Alaska scheduled hearings on their bills for May 5; and the Connecticut bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary.

Below is our tenth weekly update on the status of proposed CCPA-like privacy legislation. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we have been regularly updating our 2021 State Privacy Law Tracker to keep pace with the latest developments. We encourage you to bookmark the page for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated.

Keypoint: There were a number of developments this week: Florida’s House passed HB 969, the Washington Privacy Act officially died, Alaska’s HB 159 received a public hearing, and the Arizona legislature closed without passing its bill.

Below is our ninth weekly update on the status of proposed CCPA-like privacy legislation. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we have been regularly updating our 2021 State Privacy Law Tracker to keep pace with the latest developments. We encourage you to bookmark the page for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated.

Keypoint: This week Florida’s two bills continued to progress, the Washington Privacy Act failed to pass out of the House at the deadline (but the bill sponsor says it is still alive), new bills were introduced in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, and Maryland’s bill died.

Below is our eighth weekly update on the status of proposed CCPA-like privacy legislation. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we have been regularly updating our 2021 State Privacy Law Tracker to keep pace with the latest developments. We encourage you to bookmark the page for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated.

UPDATE: The below post discusses whether the Washington Privacy Act is still alive notwithstanding that the House failed to pass the bill prior to the April 11 deadline. In a tweet, bill sponsor Reuven Carlyle stated: “The bill remains alive through the end of the Legislative Session.”

Keypoint: This week bills in Florida and Connecticut continued to progress, the Washington Privacy Act failed to get out of the House at the deadline, and bills in Oklahoma and West Virginia died.

Below is our seventh weekly update on the status of proposed CCPA-like privacy legislation. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we have been regularly updating our 2021 State Privacy Law Tracker to keep pace with the latest developments. We encourage you to bookmark the page for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated.

Keypoint: It was another busy week with developments in Washington, Florida, Oklahoma, Alaska, Nevada, and Rhode Island.

For the sixth week in a row, we are providing an update on the status of proposed CCPA-like privacy legislation. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide three notes.

First, we are pleased to announce the results of our poll on whether to call Virginia’s new privacy law – the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act – the CDPA or VCDPA. By an overwhelming 85-15% margin readers prefer VCDPA to CDPA.

Second, we have been regularly updating our 2021 State Privacy Law Tracker to keep pace with the latest developments. We encourage you to bookmark the page for easy reference.

Third, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated.