Keypoint: A California federal district court granted NetChoice’s motion for preliminary injunction, finding that the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act likely violates the First Amendment.

On September 18, 2023, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California granted NetChoice’s motion for preliminary injunction, enjoining Rob Bonta, Attorney General of the State of California, from enforcing the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (AADC). The ruling comes only weeks after federal district courts in Texas and Arkansas enjoined children’s online laws from going into effect in those states.

In the below post, we provide a brief background on the AADC, analyze the court’s ruling, and provide some context and takeaways on how it could impact privacy laws more generally.

Keypoint: Pending the Governor’s signature, the California Delete Act requires all data brokers to register with the CPPA next year and comply with a one-stop consumer deletion mechanism by 2026.

Last week, the California legislature passed the Delete Act (SB 362) (the “Act”) which amends California’s existing data broker law to subject all data brokers to new registration and disclosure requirements, and a one-stop mechanism for consumer deletion requests. In the below post, we analyze the Delete Act and the changes it makes to the existing data broker law.

Keypoint: Our final weekly update of the 2023 legislative session provides a recap of bills that are still alive.

Below is the twenty-third – and final – weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. With the legislatures in many states now adjourned for the year, we are concluding our weekly updates. However, as discussed below, there are still a handful of bills pending. We will continue tracking those bills and provide updates on an as-needed basis.

Keypoint: Last week the Connecticut legislature passed Senator Maroney’s consumer health data / children’s privacy bill.

Below is the twenty-first weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week the Texas legislature passed consumer data privacy, children’s social media, and data broker bills while the Nevada Assembly passed an amended version of its health data privacy bill.

Below is the twentieth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week the Louisiana Senate passed a children’s social media bill, the Texas legislature appointed a conference committee for its comprehensive privacy bill, and various bills continued to advance in committees.

Below is the nineteenth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week the Texas Senate passed a comprehensive data privacy bill, the Tennessee Governor signed HB 1181 into law, and the Connecticut Senate passed a health/children’s privacy bill.

Below is the eighteenth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week the Washington Governor signed the My Health My Data Act, the Nevada Senate passed a health / biometric privacy bill, the Florida Senate passed a consumer privacy bill, and the Texas House and Florida House passed children’s social media privacy bills.

Below is the sixteenth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week the legislatures in Montana and Tennessee passed consumer data privacy bills and the Washington legislature passed the My Health My Data Act.

Below is the fifteenth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week the Indiana legislature passed a consumer data privacy bill.

Below is the fourteenth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.