Keypoint: The Utah Division of Consumer Protection published proposed rules regulating social media companies under Utah’s Social Media Regulation Act.

On October 15, 2023, the Utah Division of Consumer Protection (the “Agency”) published proposed rules for Utah’s Social Media Regulation Act (“SMRA”). As required by the SMRA, the draft rules outline requirements for age verification and consent methods. These draft rules come just a month following federal district courts in California, Texas, and Arkansas enjoining children’s online laws from going into effect in those states.

In the below post, we first provide background on the SMRA. We then provide a summary of the substantive sections of the proposed rules and lastly outline key takeaways.

Keypoint: Last week the Maryland House passed a children’s privacy bill, the Utah Governor signed two social media bills, the Washington My Health My Data Act continued to progress, and committees in Texas and Tennessee advanced consumer privacy bills.

Below is the eleventh weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week the Utah legislature passed two bills targeted at social media companies’ interaction with individuals under the age of 18, the Montana Senate passed a consumer privacy bill, and the Washington House passed the My Health My Data Act.

Below is the eighth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker, 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker, and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week lawmakers introduced a consumer privacy bill in Rhode Island and biometric privacy bills in Kentucky and Missouri; advanced consumer privacy bills out of committee in multiple states; and advanced a children’s privacy bill out of committee in New Mexico.

Below is the seventh weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker and new 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week lawmakers introduced consumer privacy bills in six states, children’s / social media bills in three states, and held hearings on bills in multiple states.

Below is the sixth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker and new 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week Indiana and Utah lawmakers passed bills through a chamber, Maryland lawmakers filed three sets of bills, lawmakers continued to file children’s privacy and social media regulation bills, and there were numerous developments with biometric privacy, health data privacy, and algorithmic discrimination bills.

Below is the fifth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker and new 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Keypoint: Last week a narrow consumer privacy bill passed the New Jersey Senate, a children’s privacy bill passed the Virginia House, new consumer privacy bills were filed in New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington, and new children’s privacy bills were filed in New Mexico, New York, and Utah.

Below is the fourth weekly update on the status of proposed state privacy legislation in 2023. Before we get to our update, we wanted to provide two reminders.

First, we are regularly updating our 2023 State Privacy Law Tracker and new 2023 State Children’s Privacy Law Tracker and 2023 State Biometric Privacy Law Tracker. We encourage you to bookmark the pages for easy reference.

Second, the contents provided below are time-sensitive and subject to change. If you are not already subscribed to our blog, consider doing so to stay updated. If you are interested in tracking developments between blog posts, consider following on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.